Contract 1: LRIP/W4/01: L390 Pirlita-Nisporeni road, km0+000 – km 10+900;
Contract 2: LRIP/W4/02: L390 Pirlita-Nisporeni road, km10+900 – km 23+400;
Contract 3: LRIP/W4/03: L390 Pirlita-Nisporeni road, km23+400-km 32+942;
Contract 4: LRIP/W4/04: L431 Păruceni-Seliște-Vînători road,km 0+000- km 4+200; and R25 road – Seliște village, km 0+000-km 3+600
Current status: Contracts Awarded LRIP/W4/02, LRIP/W4/03, LRIP/W4/04.
Current status: Cancellation of Bid LRIP/W4/01.
Announcements and information (latest on top):
– Cancellation Notice LRIP/W4/01
– Contract Award Notice LRIP/W4/02
– Contract Award Notice LRIP/W4/03
– Contract Award Notice LRIP/W4/04
– Minutes of Public Bid Opening
– Amendment No. 3 to the Bidding Documents
– Amendment No. 2 to the Bidding Documents
– Amendment No. 1 to the Bidding Documents
– Clarification Document No.2 to the Bidding Documents
– Clarification Document No.1 to the Bidding Documents
– Invitation for bids.